Friday, June 19, 2009

Bulletin Notice

Faye, Shirley, Brother Roderick, Angie, Alex  Gloria, Celeste and Jack White and his Mom and Dad for donating sandwiches and helping to  preparing and serving the meal.  A special thanks to Fina who when we needed two more meat sandwiches donated the chicken from her lunch.
FAITH is knowing that all of our needs are provided by God.  IF WE LIKE THE GENERATIONS BEFORE US PUT OUR FAITH WITH OUR WORKS INTO ACTION WE WILL WEATHER ANY STORM AND GLOOMY REPORTS,  THIS IS THE SPIRIT THAT  HAS FILLS OUR ST. AGATHA FAMILY AND KEEPS US FAITH FILLED.   Give what you can be it monetary support or sharing your gift of time and service.   VOLUNTEERISM is a way of continuous community building here at St. Agatha it's a positive action.   Don't be afraid to go out on the limb that is where the fruit is.  YES, we all have something to share with our church community.
May God bless you with faith, wisdom, love, joy, peace, grace and mercy as you search your hearts to see how we together can put our faith and works into action.
Marjorie Nickleberry