Thank you Rachel for the donation of the meal on May 9th. Thank you Maria Diaz and Gretchen for donating sandwiches. A very special thank you to Azalie for the wonderful Mother's Day gifts for our women guests, they loved the bracelets and mini bundt cakes.We have been blessed this month by having our youth volunteers lead the pre-meal prayer circle . We have been so blessed by their dedication and participation each week. They are reaching out and making a difference in the lives of so many. Praise God for your caring and sharing hearts. Thank you!
We are in need of Tee shirts and male toiletries for our male guests for Father's Day. Please bring to the table on the Placita side of the parking lot on May 24.
Thank you for your awesome support.
May God's light shine through you, around you and in you as you share your blessing and reach out to do acts of kindness each day. Continue to give your smile away this week.
The S.H.A.R.E.Ministry