Monday, December 7, 2009


Thank you Eucharistic Ministry for the donation for the meal.
This year we are hoping to prepare for and serve 2000 guests dinner in our hall on Christmas Day.  This may seem like a lot but if you look at how many in our community who are in need, lonely or who just need a spirit filled place to be to celebrate the birthday of Jesus, this a not a lot.  We know that this will only be possible by the grace and blessings of God and through your  support by your donation of your time, talent and treasure.  Your time, by asking God in prayer  to abundantly bless us with guests and  enough  food for their body and  spiritual nourishment to reach out and touch their souls in his name by our example of faith through our works,
Time to wrap a gift or sort clothing.  Come share in the day on Christmas.  Everyone cannot serve a dinner to our guests but gosh there are so many ways you touch a guests and leave your imprints on their heart and soul at the dinner.
Talent, cook or carve  a turkey, cook rice, toast bread, bake a favor cake or pie,  Help decorate the hall . Wash a pot or two. We need you to share your talent with us.
Treasure ,if you are so blessed that you can donate some of the listed items that we need to serve our 2000 guests or make a monetary donation,  praise God.  Please make your check payable to Sr. Agatha  with S.H.A.R.E. in the memo and place in an envelope marked S.H.A.R.E. Ministry.  It will  not be credited to S.H.A.R.E. without being in a  envelope marked S.H.A.R.E..
 Every body can join us in making this Christmas Day an awesome celebration of the birthday of Jesus.
We are dedicating this Christmas Day Dinner in honor and memory of Jean Guelpa and Mildred Collins.  Jean who started the Adopt a family and Angel Tree and who  not only fought to have our weekly S.H.A.R.E. program reinstated at St,. Agatha  she also served weekly until her health prevented her from serving then she donated. 
 And our  dear beloved sister Mildred who was our fist ever St. Agatha  Senior Queen. She wrapped gifts from the day we stared  at 10 AM to Christmas morning and then stayed all day and served the desserts.  She'd go home and come back with that special box we needed,   Mildred never said no when asked to serve.  You wanna bet she;s pulling God's sleeve and saying " Lord please give them what they need ".
The sign up sheets are out.  The flyers are ready.  All we need is YOU!  Don't pass that hungry stranger on the street give them a flyer, it just might be God you know. Test giving  your smile away this Christmas season
We"re in the hall December 18-24,  10A-6PM and Christmas Day 7AM- clean up.
I pray that God gives that gentle touch that Mildred has asked for this Christ season to you..
May God continue to bless you and all you love and hold dear with all of His abundant blessings.
Thank you.
The S.H.A.R.E. Ministry 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Free Christmas Dinner at St Agatha's

A message from Margie Nickleberry about our Christmas tradition at St Agatha's. Thank you for spreading the word and God bless you all,
Please invite anyone who you see that needs a place to celebrate the Birthday of Jesus.
Choirs are invited to come and share their Music Ministry with our guests.
Donations of canned and dried foods are being accepted for our family give away bags.
Please direct all inquiries to Margie Nickleberry 323-935-8127.
Thank you.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bulletin Notice

Faye, Shirley, Brother Roderick, Angie, Alex  Gloria, Celeste and Jack White and his Mom and Dad for donating sandwiches and helping to  preparing and serving the meal.  A special thanks to Fina who when we needed two more meat sandwiches donated the chicken from her lunch.
FAITH is knowing that all of our needs are provided by God.  IF WE LIKE THE GENERATIONS BEFORE US PUT OUR FAITH WITH OUR WORKS INTO ACTION WE WILL WEATHER ANY STORM AND GLOOMY REPORTS,  THIS IS THE SPIRIT THAT  HAS FILLS OUR ST. AGATHA FAMILY AND KEEPS US FAITH FILLED.   Give what you can be it monetary support or sharing your gift of time and service.   VOLUNTEERISM is a way of continuous community building here at St. Agatha it's a positive action.   Don't be afraid to go out on the limb that is where the fruit is.  YES, we all have something to share with our church community.
May God bless you with faith, wisdom, love, joy, peace, grace and mercy as you search your hearts to see how we together can put our faith and works into action.
Marjorie Nickleberry 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bulletin Notice

Thank you Rachel for the donation of the meal on May 9th.  Thank you Maria Diaz and Gretchen for donating sandwiches.  A very special thank you to Azalie for the wonderful Mother's Day gifts for our women guests, they loved the bracelets and mini bundt cakes.We have been blessed this month by having our youth volunteers lead the  pre-meal prayer circle .  We have been so blessed by their dedication  and participation each week.  They are reaching out and making a difference in  the lives of so many.  Praise God for your caring and sharing hearts.  Thank you!
We are in need of Tee shirts  and male toiletries for our male guests for Father's Day.  Please bring to the table on the Placita side of the parking lot on May 24.
Thank you for your  awesome support.
May God's light shine through you, around you and in you as you share your blessing  and reach out to do acts of kindness each  day.  Continue to give your smile away this week.
The S.H.A.R.E.Ministry 

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bulletin Announcement, April 19, 2009

Thank you Celeste, the Confirmation class, Geraldine, Allerga, Maria Diaz, Jan,  Jack who is 4 years old  and his family, The SVDP Society,  Rosemary Crump and Mr. Rincon for providing the meal for our Saturday guests.  Thank you to all the youth volunteers for sharing their time each Saturday .  A very special Thank you to Steven who is Jean Guelpa's 5 year old  nephew and  her niece Jennifer for seeing to it that our children guests had Easter Baskets filled to the brim with goodies. 

St. Agatha's Hands Are Reaching Everywhere and  hands are reaching back with  love, encouragement and support for our outreach ministry.  So many have lifted S.H.A.R.E. up in prayer, given monetary donations, supplies and time.  You have not only  given and touched our guests  and ministry with hope, your kind acts and deeds are an inspiration to others who hear and read about your deeds. 
Please continue to do acts of kindness each day.  YES,  we can make kindness contagious!!!   Give away that smile again this week and watch your investment grow.  Who's  spirit has been raised by the smile of a stranger?  Talk to each other about it.  Do give back  and pass on your blessings.
May the risen Christ who is rich in mercy cover you and all those you love and hold dear  with His  abundant blessings.
Thank you.
The S.H.A.R.E Ministry