Calendar schedule: December 13, St. Peter Claver Knights and Ladies contact FayeHouse/Margaret Bell December 20, Spanish Ministry contact Rosie
DEC. 27, OPEN please contact Margie to serve.
Thank you for your support of the Holiday Boutique. We will have the sale of the items that were left from the Silent Auction and St. Agatha table on DECEMBER 14 after all masses in the school parking lot. Please stop by to support our efforts.
A very special thank you to Muriel, Yolanda, Tiara, Rachel, Letty, Christina, Laura, Monica, Azalie. Paula, Enrique, Jose, Luis, Natalie, Mildred, Celeste, Soccoro, Guadalupe for their assistance setting up, serving during and cleaning up afterward the Boutique.
Please stop by the S.H.A.R.E. table before or after mass on any Sunday in the school parking lot.
You may start to bring the non perishable items this week.
Thank you for the hope that you extend to our guests as well as we who serve in the S.H.A.R.E. Ministry.
May the peace and blessings that come from a walk in God's light be with you and those you love and hold dear each day.
Margie Nickleberry for the S.H.A.R.E Ministry