Friday, November 28, 2008

Fw: Bulletin notice

 Calendar schedule:   December 13, St. Peter Claver Knights and Ladies      contact FayeHouse/Margaret Bell        December 20,  Spanish Ministry  contact Rosie            
   DEC. 27, OPEN please contact Margie to serve.
Thank you for your support of the Holiday Boutique.  We will have the sale of the items that were left from the Silent Auction and St. Agatha table on DECEMBER 14  after all masses in the school parking lot. Please stop by to support our efforts.
A very special thank you to Muriel, Yolanda, Tiara, Rachel, Letty, Christina, Laura, Monica, Azalie. Paula, Enrique, Jose, Luis, Natalie, Mildred, Celeste, Soccoro, Guadalupe  for their assistance setting up, serving during and cleaning up afterward the Boutique.
Please stop by the S.H.A.R.E. table before or after mass on any Sunday in the school parking lot.
You may start to bring the non perishable items this week.
Thank you for the hope that you extend to our guests as well as we who serve in the S.H.A.R.E. Ministry.
May the peace and blessings that come from a walk in God's light be with you and those you love and hold dear each day.
Margie Nickleberry   for  the S.H.A.R.E  Ministry

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Holiday Boutique and Christmas Dinner

Thank you for reaching out to share with our Saturday guests each week.   These are difficult times for most of our guests and they need to feel that they are not forgotten.  Your donations to the meal and volunteering not only feeds their body it uplifts their spirits and gives them hope.  Every week they lift you up in prayer before we start to serve.

The Holiday Boutique is November 23, 8am-2pm in the Herbert Johnson Hall.  This fundraiser supports the Free Christmas Day Dinner and the Sat, S.H.A.R.E. program during the year. We need your support if we are to continue our outreach to the community.  Please consider making a donation to the St. Agatha Table or the Silent Auction.  If you are not able to do this please help us spread the word by passing out flyers and inviting people to come and support the Boutique.  Please call 323-935-8127  to volunteer to help.
May God continue to bless you and all those who you hold dear and love.
Margie Nickleberry for the S.H.A.R.E. Ministry.
Servers for Sat. Sept. 13, Golden Agers contact, Mildred/Gerri
Servers Sat. Sept. 20 Quincenera     Contact Adriana

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Special Reminders

Our guest numbers have reached 80 each week.  Please consider donating sandwiches, fresh fruit, dessert, chips, individual pouches of fruit drinks and or individual bottles of water on any Sat.
Applications for participation in  the Annual Holiday Boutique are now available.  SIGNED APPLICATION AND RECEIPT  OF THE APPLICATION AND SUGGESTED DONATION MUST BE RETURNED BY OCTOBER 10, 2008 FOR PARTICIPATION.
Donations of Collectibles, Vintage, Amusement Park Tickets, Movie tickets, Gift Baskets and New Items are needed for the Silent Auction and St. Agatha Tables.
Please direct  all inquires regarding the S.H.A.R.E.  Annual Holiday Boutique to Margie Nickleberry 323-935-8127.
Requested needs from our Saturday guests , men's bike, electric fry pan, sewing machine.
Thank you for providing our guests each week with hope.
May God  bless you and continue to provide all of your needs each day.
Margie Nickleberry for the S.H.A.R.E. MINISTRY

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Many Thanks

Thank you Sophia Berkeley and the Celebration of Education Gathering 2008 for the  back to school celebration and the back packs filled with school supplies for all of our school age Sat. guests..  The parents are grateful for your caring and generosity to their children and your encouragement  and support in  getting their children off to a great school year.
It's wonderful that so many of you participated in helping our school age  guests have some outfits and shoes to wear to school.  The children were excited to pick out what they wanted and the parents were appreciative of your thoughtfulness..  If you could  please consider donating  new white knee high socks   for the girls and regular white socks for the boys and bring them on Sunday August 31 to the hall after all masses. ( the children are 5-16 years old)  We will distribute on Sat. Sept. 7. to the children.

Application for the 2008 Holiday Boutique will be mailed out this week.  If you would like to participate please call the PC Office 323-935-8127 to request a copy of the guidelines.
We need 60 additional meat sandwiches and 40 additional desserts each week. To volunteer please call the PC Office.
May God who gives us hope supply all of your daily needs..
Margie Nickleberry

Sunday, August 3, 2008

School Clothing for Children

We are collecting used school clothing for children  ages 5-16 on Sat. August 16 from 9am-12pm in the PC Patio area. Due to limited storage space we can only accept the clothing on this date.


    If anyone has a man's bike that you would  like to donate that is in usable condition or needs minor repairs please call the P C Office and leave a message for Margie.


    Saturday August 23  we need someone to volunteer to provide the meal.  The meal consist of 140 meat sandwiches and dessert for 70.  Please call the office if you, your ministry or family  would like to volunteer.


   Thank you for giving hope to those in need. May God bless you and provide for all your needs.


Margie Nickleberry for S.H.A.R.E


Monday, July 28, 2008

Transportation Aid

S.H.A.R.E.  will be distributing discount coupon for bus riders and Seniors age 62+  who meet the income eligibility on Sunday August 9, 2008 in the hall following all the masses.  Please bring proof of your income to apply for the discount coupons.  Beginning August 25, 2008  we will include coupons for children K-12 grade and college and vocational school students who do not receive a subsidy from the school. Please come to the hall for further information.

This week please visit by phone a home bound church member, family member, co worker or friend.  They really enjoy being thought of and remembered.  You don't have to talk long just an hello I was thinking about you, how you doing visit will do.

Our Saturday guests continue to thank you in  pray for preparing and  sharing the meal with them each week.
May God continue to provide for all your needs each day as you share and provide for the needs of others.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Clothes and Shoes for August 16, 2008

Thank you for your support to our guests.
We are in need of  used clean wearable clothing and shoes  for our school age guests 5-16 years of age.  These will be given out beginning Saturday August 16, 2008. Please bring your donations on Saturday August 16, 2008  9AM-12 PM to the PC patio area.  Because of limited storage space, we ask that the clothing only be brought on the date and time requested.
Please if you have the name of a contact who might consider donating to the Christmas Day Dinner, please submit the name and address to  THE S.H.A.R.E. MINISTRY .
Thank you.
God's blessing to you.
Margie Nickleberry

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Reminder: Holiday Boutique

Thank you Linda Figueredo for volunteering to donate the sheet cakes for the monthly Saturday Celebrations.

    Please start to make your handmade items for donation to the Holiday Boutique.

    If you know of a business or people who would like to donate:  food, bread, gift certificates, new clothing, toys, toiletries, bibles or any other items that we can use for our Christmas Day Dinner, please contact Margie Nickleberry 323-935-8127.

May the light of God continue to shine through you, around you and in you as you  reach out to stimulate and encourage those in need with hope.


Margie Nickleberry

SHARE Ministry


Weekend Update

Thank you Rachel Juarez for donating the entire meal and the QuinceaƱera girls for helping on Saturday June 28. The other opened calendar dates have been filled by Azalie Nickleberry, the youth group, and the quinceaƱeras, thank you Adriana.

  We have an increase in the number of guests that we serve on Saturdays and the number of people that ring the door bell in need of food and asking for work. We are attempting to fill their needs of food but the food runs out quickly with serving so many. We do realize that some of us in the parish too have felt the blow of this economy with the down sizing of jobs, the rise in the cost of gas, food, clothing and shelter. If we could pool are resources perhaps we can help our guests and one another weather this storm. A few of you can remember when we did this before how we reached out and shared with one another in our parish community. If we are to all survive in this economy we may need to go back to old neighborly ways. "sharing-" SHARE would like to stock the pantry shelves with canned and dry goods for anyone who is interested. Please, if you can help out in any way, donating from food to grocery gift cards, from gas card to bus tokens, from fruits to canned goods, please bring it to the PC Office and let them know that your giving a donation to SHARE.

   Thank you for always reaching out and giving hope to our guests. Let us now reach out to each other in love, respect and hope. May the Christ in you bless you, with his peace, grace, mercy love and hope.


Margie Nickleberry

SHARE Ministry


Thank you and Reminder

Thank you Sharon Williams and Juan Rincon for their continued weekly donations of bottled water and fresh produce for our Sat. guests.

   The last Saturday of each month we would like to have a sheet cake donated  that will serve 60.  Our guests have special blessings that occur for them during the month and we would like to honor and celebrate their blessings with a cake once a month.  If anyone is interested please contact Margie Nickleberry.

   Each summer the volunteers on Saturdays seem to drop off.  Please check the bulletin boards at both church entrances for your ministries date to serve and then check with your ministry leader as to how you can serve.  We prep the meal 2-4 PM in the PC and serve 4-5 PM  in the Grotto Parking Lot.

    Anyone interested in serving with  the S.H.A.R.E. MINISTRY on the ANNUAL S.H.A.R.E. HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE 2008 , (Sunday November 23, 2008)  AND /OR CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER  2008 , please contact Margie Nickleberry by July 15, 2008 for the meeting date, time and location.

    Please if your budget allows start collecting toiletry items and catch some of the clearance sales.  These items will be used for gifts for the guests during the Christmas Day Dinner.  .

    May the Christ in you provide you and those you love with peace, love, joy, happiness and the encouragement that you need to reach to give hope to those in need.


Margie Nickleberry

SHARE Ministry